full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Anees Bahji: Is marijuana bad for your brain?

Unscramble the Blue Letters

At any age, as with many other drugs, the brain and body become less sensitive to marijuana after rpeetead uses, meaning it takes more to achieve the same etffces. Fortunately, unlike many other drugs, there’s no risk of fatal overdose from maanjirua, and even heavy use doesn’t lead to debilitating or life-threatening withdrawal symptoms if use stops. There are more subtle forms of marijuana withdrawal, though, including seelp disturbances, iriilbtratiy, and depressed mood, which pass within a few weeks of stopping use.

Open Cloze

At any age, as with many other drugs, the brain and body become less sensitive to marijuana after ________ uses, meaning it takes more to achieve the same _______. Fortunately, unlike many other drugs, there’s no risk of fatal overdose from _________, and even heavy use doesn’t lead to debilitating or life-threatening withdrawal symptoms if use stops. There are more subtle forms of marijuana withdrawal, though, including _____ disturbances, ____________, and depressed mood, which pass within a few weeks of stopping use.


  1. irritability
  2. sleep
  3. repeated
  4. marijuana
  5. effects

Original Text

At any age, as with many other drugs, the brain and body become less sensitive to marijuana after repeated uses, meaning it takes more to achieve the same effects. Fortunately, unlike many other drugs, there’s no risk of fatal overdose from marijuana, and even heavy use doesn’t lead to debilitating or life-threatening withdrawal symptoms if use stops. There are more subtle forms of marijuana withdrawal, though, including sleep disturbances, irritability, and depressed mood, which pass within a few weeks of stopping use.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
risk factors 3
white matter 3
endocannabinoids travel 2
receiving neuron 2
cannabinoid receptors 2
risk factor 2
psychotic disorder 2

Important Words

  1. achieve
  2. age
  3. body
  4. brain
  5. debilitating
  6. depressed
  7. disturbances
  8. drugs
  9. effects
  10. fatal
  11. forms
  12. fortunately
  13. heavy
  14. including
  15. irritability
  16. lead
  17. marijuana
  18. meaning
  19. mood
  20. overdose
  21. pass
  22. repeated
  23. risk
  24. sensitive
  25. sleep
  26. stopping
  27. stops
  28. subtle
  29. symptoms
  30. takes
  31. weeks
  32. withdrawal